Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Laws of Exponents Math Problem - 550 Words

Math Problem: Laws of Exponents (Math Problem Sample) Content: Laws of ExponentsName:Institution:Tutor:Task:Date:Laws of ExponentsRepeated multiplication of the same number by itself can be very long and elaborate but the scenario can be simplified in from of shorthand. The shorthand is referred to as an exponent or a power and a perfect example is when a number like 3 is multiplied by itself four times i.e. 3x3x3x3=34. The superscript 4 is referred to as an exponent or power whereas 3 is referred to as the base. The product in this example is pronounced as "three raised to the fourth powerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .The Three Laws of ExponentsMultiplication LawYa Yb= Ya+bWhen multiplying the same number by itself, the exponents are normally added. This means that powers of the same base are added when being multiplied. An example of this is:Y4 Y3= Y 7. In this case the base is the same i.e. Y and therefore its exponents are added to get Y7.The Division LawYa /Yb = Y a-bExponents of the same base are subtracted from each other in case of division. In this case the base is Y and the exponents are a and b. An example of this is:Y7 / Y4 = Y 3The Law of Powers 1 (XY) a = X a YaIn instances where there are two different factors under the same power, each factor is raised to the same power. In this case the two factors are X and Y under the same power a. An example of this is:(XY) 5 = X 5 Y5 2 (Ya)b = Y abExponents are multiplied in instances of a power of a power. In this case b is a power of power a and therefore the exponents will be multiplied. An example of this is:(Y2)3 =Y6 3 Y 1/a = a à ¢Ã… ¡YThe exponent root of the base is determined in case the exponent is a denominator of 1. In this case the exponent is a and the base is Y. An example of this isY 1/5 = 5 à ¢Ã… ¡Y. This means that the fifth root of Y should be determined. 4 Y-a = 1/YaIn case of a negative power, the base is raised to the equivalent positive power as a denominator of 1. An example of this is:Y-2 = 1/Y 2 5 Y0 = ...

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